Who Are we?
Well the idea was hanging about for a while when these two guys met in a bar and started nerding out. Mark was arty farty and Richard was a programming wizard so they decided to give the app a go! Want to have a chat about stuff you can contact us on the contact form (Front Page) or through the Facebook Group.

Marky "Pixel Rogue" Cullen
Mark is a doodler. That’s what it said on his school report. “Could do better.” He’s the owner of Pixel Rogue Ltd.
Check it out here: http://www.pixelrogue.com

Richard Walsh
Richad will write his biop thingy as soon as Marky I reckon. He’s a bit busy usually! He co-owns the company Zoo Creative Ltd.
Check it out here: http://www.zoocreative.net
All artworks © the respective artists.